My name is Marco Quacquarini aka Fantawood and I was born in Tolentino, in Le Marche region, in 1983. Since I was a child I’ve spent time in the workshop of my grandfather, a carpenter, getting to know and appreciate wood day after day.

In my early career, I dealt with the grunt work of factory shifts, with the management of Tolentino’s museums, with the organization of cultural local events, and with the tiring months spent in the fields growing organic vegetables. Over the years, I have developed new competences and different skills.

At the age of 30, I’ve realized that my true talent is to work free with my hands, head and heart. In 2014, having finally found the courage, I reopened the old family workshop where I can express my creativity and focus on my passion for wood.

Today, in my workshop in Caccamo di Serrapetrona, I create custom-made design pieces of furniture, I comply with every type of need, with the utmost attention to details and respecting the features and qualities of raw materials.

Wood is an elegant element that stays alive over time. It is one of the first materials with which people get in touch since the day they are born.

Dicono di me

Giampaolo Paticchio
A wooden thing, a handmade wooden thing. It almost speaks, smells, sounds as alive and it contains glances, caresses, time, thoughts of the process to become someone, to become what it is. It tells you whether the maker is an inaccurate person or a meticulous one, whether he is someone who treats the world with respect or not, whether he loves or hates what he does. In short, something like this is precious. According to Viola, who has been sleeping in Fantawood bunk bed for a couple of weeks now, this is the deck of a ship, and it is simply beautiful.

Francesco Spè 
In our shop we had so many beautiful items and a big problem: where the hell to put them. In our “Tandem” office/shop in Macerata, which mainly deals with web design and photography, the idea of creating a space for handmade objects and paper things was getting more and more real. Our passion for refined stationery and illustration was leading us to put together a lot of things with different sizes and uses. We needed something impressive to display and show them to the public. And we needed immediately: Christmas was around the corner and we couldn’t handle it without *a thing to put all the things*. A bit display, a bit bookcase… Fantawood quickly designed and created the solution we needed – perfectly matched with our space in terms of colors and shapes, functional and elegant at the same time. Our things that were previously scattered in the shop have suddenly acquired a strong identity and an unprecedented impact. That simple wooden object allowed us to enthusiastically carry forward a side of our previously marginal project, helping to strengthen and diversify our brand. In the meantime, our trusted carpenter has put a battered piece of furniture back together: it now stands out in the shop window and is the first thing that curious passers-by notice. Thanks Fantawood!

Lorenzo e Silvia
We ordered a wooden train toy for our son… we were fully satisfied with the punctual delivery, the quality and solidity of the product. The repeated tosses from the table didn’t scratch the train!! Fantawood is very helpful but, above all, he is very, very precise in his work!

Francesco Bellesi
Recommended by a friend, I got in touch with Fantawood for a customized work. I got to know a serious, smart and professional guy, that is very passionate about his work. I also appreciated very much his patience with my requests and his proactiveness in suggesting alternative solutions.

Michele Bellini
I asked Fantawood to create a cabinet for my guitars from a drawing I had prepared. He was available and careful in the project development even if it wasn’t a conventional piece. He paid attention to my guidelines and gave me practical solutions to create it, also adding embellishment details that I hadn’t thought about… I’m fully satisfied!

Sergio Minnici
Good, serious, professional but above all honest and passionate about his job.
That cap though…

Andrea Germondari
I asked Master Geppetto Fantastic for stools that would match the breakfast bar in my kitchen which has the particularity of resting on an ancient wooden vice that belonged to my family. I gave him some photos found here and there on the internet to get inspiration for the piece structure. And finally I told him that they had to be as rustic as possible. The result was astonishing. The two seats are as irregular as I wished for, the pieces are different from one other and they blend perfectly with the home environment.
I highly recommend Fantawood’s work!!!

Federico Brocani
I got to know Fantawood during the Toc festival in Tolentino. There, I had the pleasure of talking to him and he told me his story, how to pass on carpentry in a fully artisan style.

Raffaela Biccirrè
Wise connoisseur of an ancient craft to which he gives an authentic contemporary scent. Bravo!

Marco Marzioni
Attentive to customer requests, Fantawood proposes and designs tailor-made solutions for any need. Highly recommended!!!